In case you're new at this- ALL batteries come with the plugs the battery manufacturer decides to put on them. Same goes for planes, too. Unless you're shellling out $$$ for an OEM battery, the battery plugs only have about a 30% chance of matching up with your plane. SO- when you buy an extra battery from Killerplanes, we send you a FREE female plug that matches your plane's plug (if we have them in stock) or a FREE male plug so you can make your plane match the battery (once again, if we have them in stock). As far as we know, we're the only seller anywhere who does this- all the other places charge for plugs.
Plugs we usually have are: Deans (red), XT-60 (yellow) , 4mm Banana Plugs (red), and EC-3 (blue). If you want a particular FREE PLUG with your battery, ask for it in the CHECKOUT COMMENTS. Thanks, and you're welcome!