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70mm EDF

Freewing F-16 Falcon 70mm EDF Thrust Vectoring Jet - PNP

Freewing F-16 Falcon 70mm EDF Thrust Vectoring Jet - PNP
Freewing F-16 Falcon 70mm EDF Thrust Vectoring Jet - PNPFreewing F-16 Falcon 70mm EDF Thrust Vectoring Jet - PNPFreewing F-16 Falcon 70mm EDF Thrust Vectoring Jet - PNPFreewing F-16 Falcon 70mm EDF Thrust Vectoring Jet - PNP


A gorgeous little fixed gear version of the famous F-16, this one with thrust vectoring- amazing at this price! We like to fly with no gear, launching from a catapult (or having somebody else with long arms do the handlaunch). Just keep the thrust vectoring turned off when you're taking off or landing!


Freewing Messerschmitt Me 262 Twin 70mm Jet - PNP

Freewing Me 262 Twin 70mm Jet - PNP
Me-262 Yellow 7Me-262 Yellow 7



Exceed RC 4-CH 70mm Red Viper F18 Radio Remote Control RC EDF Jet ARF

Exceed RC 4-CH 70mm Red Viper F18 Radio Remote Control RC EDF Jet ARF
Exceed RC 4-CH 70mm Black Accent F18 Radio Remote Control RC EDF Jet ARF

True to the original, this Exceed RC F-18 EDF Jet has everything: high-speed flying, real jet style aerobatics and has one of the finest low-speed characteristics of any ducted fan airplane ever. Larger than most EDFs and pushers, the F-18 has a huge presence in the sky, just like the real Hornets. The F-18 Fighter is made with high-quality EPO foam which gives it unparalleled durability. The RTF (ready to fly) kit includes a ducted fan unit and brushless motor; assembled and ready to go. With little assembly time, you can quickly get this jet up in the sky.
