LONG DRILL BIT STARTER KIT (3 LONG DRILL BITS AND FOUR 24" RODS -- TWO 2.5mm x 24" and Two 3mm x 24" that can be sharpened to a chisel tip at the end, by sanding, and used as "drill rods.")
Save some money. These rods are just a sharp but are made from less strong steel, so they will not last through as many drill cycles as the more expensive kits. Still, these will work, especially if you just want to drill one or two planes. A nice inexpensive alternative!
MASTER AIRSCREW 12" x 8" (30 x 20 cm) Heavy Duty Upgrade Prop for the 3-Cell version Top RC FW-190 It's harder to break, more aggressive and has more thrust!
We tested a whole bunch of tapes and this was the best for strength and stickiness. We use this to strengthen and reinforce the leading edge on foamie wings. See how in this video:
TOP RC FW-190 Canopy
The TOP RC FW-190 Canopy measures approximately 7.5" L x 3" W (flexible) x 2.25" H (highest point)
Install this kit for extra strong nose protection in your HawkSky or HawkFighter. Works like a charm. Watch your plane bounce off the ground!
MEDIUM GRIT - flexible foam is coated wtih an aluminum oxide abrasive to sand contours without altering the shape of the item being sanded.
• Reusable, washable, and excellent sanding performance
• Uses include wood, metal, auto body, foam
• Can be used wet or dry
Wooden 2-Blade propeller for Top RC or Lx Pitts Python (Top RC part top0199) 40 - 20 cm. 16 - 8"