As we tell all our students, in a simulator, planes want to fly. In the air, planes want to crash. You should keep in mind that there are VERY few new pilots who don't crash a lot, even after sim time- my own experiences with crash frequency are what led me to design Crashproofing, and I'm actually pretty much a natural born stick and rudder man.
After doing a number of hours on a sim, we have all our students start with the Dynam Hawksky with Max Crashproofing and Noseplates and Bands (you can find those in the pulldown menus here on the Killerplanes Hawksky page)
We hope to carry one or both of these simulators in the future (we are working on becoming suppliers). May we recommend one of these to you:
RealFlight Simulator 7 or 7.5 (or most current model)
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The Ikarus Aerofly 5/5.7 (or most current model)
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